Nationals: Cleveland Adventures

I definitely haven't given this trip the attention it deserves, as a lot of incredible moments came out of Cleveland. From the food, to the road trip memories, how I grew as an athlete, and where it is taking me - here’s to taking a moment to give it the needed attention. Further, how it's opened doors for much more to follow.

Each shot depicts an aspect of the race and adventure. A mix of the science in sport that I geek over, race results (plain and simple), but also the pure stream of thoughts that flow.


Cleveland - Nationals - 8.10.18 - 8.12.18



The Swim

Let's fast forward past the moment when there was an E.coli outbreak and the swim almost didn’t happen, to the unbelievable morning sunrise and Lake Erie swim. For some reason when it comes to the swim, it's hard for me to get up and go, or really judge my pace. I'm used to the black line and going all out…and that's far from the case in open water. Usually, people get super intense, warm up and sprint. Usually, I like to do the opposite of what everyone else does. This means taking it easy and bringing it home. When it comes to triathlons, so much of it feels like fun rather than racing, so a major area of improvement learning how to switch gears (as opposed to admiring the sunrise, not wearing a wetsuit, making friends, and barely getting to the starting line in time). This was one hell of a wonderful swim (and that's probably not what I should walk away saying…so there was more left in the tank here). Considering this is my strength, I realized that I need to race this harder.

Time: 26:24/100yd

Pace: 1:23

Place: 5th in AG, 22 Gender, 123 Overall

The Bike

Now, a week before this race I bought and was fitted for a new bike (s/o to Rocktown for whipping this up quick and being one hell of a help still!). So this was the first time I really got to whip her out….and the feeling was nothing short of what I imagine flying feels like. For the first time, I wasn't the one getting passed by everyone. That was quite the feeling. Coming right off doing the Half, this felt like a piece of cake. Hit my targets, never went as fast, and nothing feels more liberating than riding your bike on the highway with 4 wide-open lanes of road to yourself. Win: first time averaging +20 mph and not getting by everyone!

Time: 1:10:17

Pace: 21.22 mph

Place: 8th AG, 75 Gender, 503 Overall


The Run

This hurt. I thought I bonked. I truly thought I had hit my end here. I spotted a disappointing pace on the watch and that was the last time I looked at it the rest of the race. I was thirsty. Feeling the heat. Overcome with depletion. There were these 2 massive hills on the loops and I savage mode went into full swing. This is testament to how important it is to not match physiological sensations to performance because little did I know that I was holding my fastest pace to date.

Time: 42:57

Pace: 6:54/mi

Place: 7th AG, 58 Gender, 428 Overall


Most of this trip revolved around the poppin' vegan scene (who would have guessed!?). Needless to say, I think my performance in food selections overshadowed my racing. The pictures/comments say it best.



All around, I walked away asking myself, how can I do this all the time? Experience this world through triathlons, my plate, meeting new friends, and exploring with great company. So effortlessly living out my lifestyle of swimming, biking, running, sustainable living, nutrition, health, science, entrepreneurship. It's all coming together so organically as I continue simply training, improving myself, sharing my ideas and skills, and getting after life with no reservations.

Overall: 5ht place in the US for the Female 20-24 category. Left with lots to improve on, zest for this life, valuable learnings, and a major itch for more.

Next stop: Switzerland. To be honest, not sure how this whole thing works but evidently a top 18 finish secures you a spot on Team USA for World’s. I’m just out here doing what I love and making it happen. 





I practice writing daily - both as an exercise of clarity, skill acquisition, and peace of mind - however I struggle between regularly sharing for two reasons. 

  1. Why do I care for other people to know what's up?

  2. Who am I to put thoughts into the heads of others? 

For two weeks I did thorough reflecting on my intentions of blogging. Trying to first get my thoughts together myself - I hadn't yet found a deep enough reason to share with others my experiences. When publishing what I write, I first ask the above questions. What value am I adding? A laugh? A "lesson" (and more, who am I to provide that?)? I've come to the conclusion while I always hope to benefit others somehow...the purpose of my actions are not always what they seem. After much reflection, I realized it's not the daily occurrences which I care to have others knowing and taking interest. Rather, it's the documentation and value in the process which I'll accumulatively display. 

Article by article - I don't believe to be spreading anything too life altering - but more it's the compilation of documents piecing together a story that is valuable. The underlying path of connectivity and understanding the journey is where magic's found. With that being said - here I am. To display start to finish how things happen. 

These may come in the form of weekly recaps, sporadic stories, or anything that had a great influence in my day that I get a chance to reflect and digest in writing.  While writing also provides structure, forced thought refinement and a personal challenge to stretch my interests in the form of creative expression - I have even more of a reason to finally share :)

Weekly recaps are the goal. However, in the midst of simply reflecting, enjoying the experiences and diving head first into these new adventures...I'm now forced to consolidate three weeks of a vast ranges of 'happenings' to one post. Hence the title " 'three' cap" . To spare a life story I'll group it into the highlights. 

1. The (not so) Solo Salem Adventures


2. The ('dorm'et) food


3. And The "Wait. I'm here for school" / "I'm a grown up now"side


As the wise motor scooter rental man from Key West once said

"GET LOST" - so that I did. 

I'm a firm believe there's no better way to familiarize yourself with an area than to workout in it. The majority of my adventures are in the form of fitness - finding trails, gardens, neat hidden gems (usually pools but they're lacking in that department). For the most part I set forth solo. Don't let that deceive you into thinking I'm walking a lonely life here. From stepping foot on campus not knowing a soul, I've made at least 20+ friends this past week in the class...that's not considering the community brunch conversations, dorm neighbors, karaoke bar duet partners, and those daily meaningful interactions with others while enjoying weekend trail walks. While setting out alone, I never cease to become surrounded by and interact with the neatest individuals.



You can learn a lot about a town by your Costco trip. And having to fit all your groceries on your bike. 

To sum up my dorm food experience in three words: Winter Training Trip

...but for three weeks...and I only have to eat like 1/5 as much....and I don't have the option to ride in the van to Whole Foods or Jamba Juice or have the luxury of a seafood dinner.

1. First off...the obvious - resources. What do I have to cook with? A pan and tuberware. One spoon, knife and fork. 

2. What will rot first - Obv gonna use up hard boiled eggs for the first source of protein over beans because I don't want my new roommate to hate me for making the dorm smell like rotten shit. 

3. VARIETY - Am I getting dem veggies? Has every meal been heavily grains or am I including lots of foods and colors? Has each meal looked the same each day or am I keeping it fun? This can get hard when you have to fit everything into a backpack....but #firstworldprobz amiright? 

4. Workouts and demands - How active am I? What am I doing? What's my goal of that I want to eat before or not, what will I need after/am I doubling in the day?

5. Can I switch things up? For example - the same ingredients made to make overnight oats can also make me a smoothie - gotta keep things interesting and find new way to combine ingredients into a masterpiece. 

These were just a few of my thoughts when surviving the born-again dorm life. What goes through someone else's mind depends on their goals and preferences - i.e. others prefer Bojangles er'day or a meal plan - that's cool goal was just to make sure I am eating a well balanced diet that will fuel me steadily throughout the day and save some dat $$$.

Nonetheless - I don't mindlessly go about my eating. Sometimes even more so than eating (hard to believe right) I enjoy the creativity and the challenge of using what I have to make a new dish...and making sure I am giving my body what it needs. Subjective, but I base this on how I perform and feel. Full enough? Lacking energy? Thinking fast? Recovering?


As I formally hung up my new white blazer - the realization hit me hard - I can now officially deem myself "professional".

A close second to learning basic accounting in 48 hours - making it an entire day without spilling anything on my pristinely white jacket was my greatest business school accomplishment to date.

Tomato soup, bird always seems to find a way. This feat is nothing short of a turning point in my life and should receive the deserved attention. Having recently graduated from daily yoga pants, I understand why people dress up. It makes one come off looking like they have their shit together. In the 'world of business' that's looked at as a good thing. But let's be real's all an act and no one knows what they are doing. Despite the drastic adjustment, I've found the whole 'putting real clothes together' thing to be surprisingly quite fun. There's a chance to inject some personality through the expression of style (a new phenomena for me). While I'm certainly not wishing spilt coffee on my clothes or to walk into class with bird shit upon me - we are all human and I don't think one should compromise that in the world of business for the sense of feeling "professional" and looking like we are "suppose to".

If that wasn't a true testament of my business growth...I did actually learn a lot. Four classes in three weeks - Excel (side note: Everything I ever 'knew' about Excel was wrong - and I was finally taught the right way. Freakin' beautiful. I can see myself getting addicted to making some kick as worksheets. There's something engaging about trying to create worksheets in the most efficient manner by applying shortcuts, and seeing the ease and creating perfect readability that get's me real excited), Math Fundamentals, Accounting and Microeconomics. It was challenging but in a 'totally do-able' way. Most importantly..I nailed the three week went something like this: 

Move in the morn (run/bike/yoga/track/etc), get ready (takes 15 mins courtesy of short hair and night-before preparation), walk to school, eat breakfast and drink coffee while writing, read the news/Wall Street Journal (because you know...I'm an educated, grown-up, business woman), either do personal work or review notes from the previous day for about an hour...then head to class from 9AM-4PM, lift...HAVE TO MOVE BECAUSE I SIT IN CLASS ALL DAY AND IT EATS ME ALIVE, study, eat (this week watch Olympic Trials, read, REPEAT. 


All there is to look forward to next week:

Settling into the new crib with Hayley, make 150+ new friends...experiencing the excitement of the first day of Kindergarten all over again, house design (!!!), reading the new books for class ( excuse to buy these much longed personal development books...not the so much looking forward to the $800 accounting book), adventures with my new partner and crime roomie before we officially start school on Thursday (I foresee lots of yoga, wine, workouts, and interesting stories). Happy Fourth!