The Importance of Failing, Core, Good Food and Friends



“Success is never owned; it is only rented – and the rent is due everyday.” - Take the Stairs, Rory Vaden

The two times in life I've felt the most alive:

  1. When I had a vision and shared it with others 
  2. Overcoming extreme adversity 

Right now, life's comfortable.

And I don't like it.

Here's the thing - we can't stop being disciplined. We can't live off past successes or experiences. Doing something once means nothing, you got to keep doing it every day (more of a pep-talk for myself but bear with me). Every single day, success must be earned. I'm earning nothing right now. Something has been missing - it's been doing something for a reason beyond myself, engaging with others who have ideas, thinking creatively, and challenging myself physically and mentally (beyond the regular school expectations).

It hit me - I hadn't failed in a while. I don't mean that in a "look at me I'm not failing, I'm winning". This is nothing to brag about. I'm not failing means I'm not challenging myself. This is a serious problem. 

Never has reading 19th century political economic literature got me so motivated. While Bastiat's essay, What Is Seen and What Is Not Seen, is economically founded, I look at this in terms of our health and human potential. A simple concept, but money that is going somewhere is money that could have been going somewhere else.

What about our time? Our resources? Our energy?

It's easier in the short term to watch TV, stay up late, skip workouts, eat poorly, vege out. However we soon grow lazy and comfortable. We experience short term pleasure. At the expense of long term success. 

Worse, this lack of growth and influence is what goes "unseen". It's easier to not look at life that way - in terms of all things you could be doing. And even more, actually doing them. So we don't. 

The real tragedy is giving up something you wanted more for something you wanted less. This could be success in athletics, school, relationships - anything. It's sacrificed for short term comfort.

When you gain that foresight - when you realize all the things you could be doing with your time, abilities, and energy - you become motivated to maximize the possibilities.

Thursday morning I woke up and signed up for a half marathon. Decided to rearrange my daily routines. Decided I'm ready for the next ideas to go after.

As Bastiat says "Often, the sweeter the first fruit of a habit, the more bitter are its later fruits"

This week I challenge you to question if what you are doing now is truly what you want, because we always have a choice, and the choice is yours to go make shit happen.



Core workouts tend to be pretty spontaneous so when two girls approached me at the gym to tell me mine looked kick-ass I was flattered. First off, it was super cool of them to tap my sweaty leg and get my attention. Bold move. Second, it made my day that I had an excuse to share my workout with someone. They were totally down for me to teach them and I'll jump on any chance I can get to do so. 

I figured, well if these girls loved it then maybe other people would want to know too? 

Now, let me emphasize...there are progressions and regressions to this as I learned after I fell on my face. Realizing that I wanted to leave the gym with my front teeth and dignity I switched it up a bit. 

This incorporates stability, strength and core activation. Grab a Bosu Ball, and Medicine Ball. 

1. In a push up position grip the bosu ball on each side (flat part up) and your feet balanced on the medicine ball. 

2. Keep your core braced (no curve in you back!), and everything tight the entire time.

-10 Right/Left Wobbles (make slight elbows bends and roll the Bosu Ball from side to side)

-10 Front/Back Wobbles (same thing as before except now in the front and back direction)

-7 Push-Ups

-5 Foot taps (Alternate keeping one foot balanced on the Medicine Ball and tapping the opposite foot to the floor)

-5 Single Leg Knee to Chest (each leg)

-3 Knee Tucks (Using your core to bring the Medicine Ball into your chest)

THEN! Swap. Put your hands on the MB and feet balanced on the Bosu Ball. 

There are lots and lots of ways to add to this, I was just experimenting but you can make it easier or harder.. I would suggest picking a couple and going through it twice to start out. 



"Box" Two has arrived and the enthusiasm hasn't dulled. I am overwhelmed with the amount of produce that is currently drowning my kitchen but refuse to waste any of it. This week included all sorts of goodies including peaches, white and purple, eggplant, cabbage, green peppers, zucchini, potatoes, and green tomatoes. This week I'll play around with more dishes but to start out, Box #2 didn't disappoint with dinner tonight and this week's lunch - Garden Herb Basmati Rice and Tofu with Ribbon Carrots, Shredded Cabbage, and Sliced Green Pepper on Roasted Cabbage.



I regularly experience nostalgia of the treasured memories through swimming, traveling and personal growth. My prior teammates through swimming in particular have left a mark on me that often can't be put to words. Just Friday, a close friend of mind went through something beyond incredibly tragic that can only leave one at a loss for words. Not only did my former teammate have her entire house burnt down, but lost her father. Nina embodies toughness, is selfless and was a teammate who no matter what would put herself on the line for others - it is only right that I do what I can for her during this unfathomable time. I include the link to the GoFundMe's that were created for her family and ask that you please do what you can do help.