A College Student's Mentality to Exercising (that actually got people exercising)

A College Student's Mentality to Exercising

“Men ought to know that from the brain and from the brain only arise our pleasures, joys, laughter, and jests as well as our sorrows, pains, griefs and tears. … It is the same thing which makes us mad or delirious, inspires us with dread and fear, whether by night or by day, brings us sleeplessness, inopportune mistakes, aimless anxieties, absent-mindedness and acts that are contrary to habit…” – Hippocrates

How might we put children in situations where they come to value and enjoy being physically active?

The better question is, how is this different for adults? Is it?

Last week we touched on the importance of getting our children to work out ..and how – but as adults, are we any better?

When kids hit adolescence (12-19 y/o ) the percentage of kids meeting activity recommendations significantly drops to from 42% of kids to 8%!

8% in adolescence…do you think that miraculously improves once they became an adult with a career and kids and school and everything else happening?

“Only 3.5 percent of Americans between the ages of 18 and 59 do the minimum amount of physical activity recommended by the Department of Health and Human Services (150 minutes a week of moderate activity).

Take a guess…it must get better after 59?

Over age 60, the percentage is even lower…2.5 percent

Children who watch TV for 3+ hours a day have65% higher chance of being obese than children who watch for <1 hour. We give children a hard time for being attached to their screens, but ask yourself how many hours a day you are staring at your computer during work. I challenge you to track yourself this week. You’ll discover the results can be brutally alarming. 

It’s easy it is to sit back and kick in on the couch after a long day. Moving is exerting. As a recently retired collegiate athlete, I now have the option to set my schedule like the average college student.

So what did I do last week – I put this to the test.


Three college roommates took it upon themselves to conduct a personal experiment. Each evening would end as it would circa 2000. The activity varied by day – kickball in the street, biking, going to the park, rip-sticking (all for the sake of science, right?). They played outside after school under dark.

The Results: We need to change the focus of where we find pleasure in the experience. 

I had the honor of speaking and listening to one of the leading researchers in the topic of the exercising brain this week, Dr. Rod Dishman, to better understand the interaction between physiology and psychology.

With over 200 publications of research on the effects and interactions between the brain and exercise, he’s discovering support of exercise in more ways than we once realized – but what good does knowing these benefits do unless we can apply it to making changes in our health?

I had the chance to ask Dr. Dishman how we can take the ground breaking neuroscience of exercise and apply it to public health through motivation. His unique experience applying the science to behavior through motivation is game-changing.

We forgot how to ‘play’. 

‘Play’ get’s lost as we grow old – we forget the enjoyment in a game of kickball with our neighbors, or rollerblading on a nice spring afternoon.

“Exercise is like hitting our hand with a hammer, it feels good once you stop” – Dr. Dishman

What does it all come down to? Our experience. 

We need to figure out how we can change our perception and interpret “feeling good”….via the exercise experience we have and the enjoyment we take from it.

It’s our nature to seek beneficial experiences. Of course, we know there are many benefits to exercise – but we can’t feel our bone density increasing, BDNF releasing from our brain, new blood vessels forming, our blood lipid levels changing.

Let’s use one of the best examples in science – fatigue. Of course your first reaction when tired isn’t “Wow! I should go run…maybe I’ll have more energy!”…that’s nuts. Why would running GIVE you energy…it’s exerting.

The act of exerting ourselves seems counterintuitive. However, people who exercise regularly can attest to the differences in energy level and know when they feel sluggish, while it might be hard to get off the couch – it increases feelings of energy and decreases feelings of fatigue.

This is how we need to look at exercise.

We can notice adjustments in our sleep, our mental clarity, our behavior – these are obvious changes if we become mindful of them.

We must find ways to enjoy the experience and further find pleasure in the results – such as feeling good after a workout or improved productivity. As we become aware of these benefits, we will soon anticipate that pleasure and associate it with activity.


Broaden the menu” – Reintroduce ‘play’. Surround yourself with an energizing community through a fitness class. Associate activity with a ‘break’ not exertion. Take the dog on run, or the kids for a bike ride. Make activity your solution for a long day that leaves you ready for bed, clears your head, and maybe energizes your brain to get out that last email before you decide to call it a night…even more – see the long-term benefits. Play.

How are you finding ways to incorporate breaks of activity in your day? Do something this week to bring back play

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/make-yourself-...

3 Simple Ways to Never Work Again

3 Simple Ways to Never Work Again

“I find that the harder I work, the less I call it work” – Thomas Jefferson

The more energy you apply to your work, the more meaning you place on that work.

“Workaholics”get a bad rap, but research has found a large difference exists amongst types. Typically someone with an uncontrollable need to be constantly working ends up burnt out, stressed, dreading what they do, and sick. This study found the opposite for some folks.

What was the differentiating factor between workaholics?


Jefferson was right – the harder one is working and caring about what they are doing, the more engaged they become, and the less they consider it work. “Work” becomes something they enjoy.  Involvement, drive and enjoyment were directly related to positive engagement and health as well as decreased stress and burnout.

“An acquired positive expectancy, therefore, is related to positive motivations and health. This theoretical stress framework suggests that if the enthusiastic “workaholics” are enthusiastic due to positive outcome expectancies we expect low stress levels, low reports of “job stress”, and good health.”

“If the nonenthusiastic “workaholics” have low enthusiasm due to low expectancies of success(helplessness, hopelessness), CATS predicts higher stress levels, more complaints of “job stress”, and health problems.”

Our expectation of our experience, and further the motivation to “get work done”, is nothing more than our semantics and neurology – it doesn’t have anything to do with what we are actually doing, other people, the situation – rather, it’s the meaning and value we place and our interpretation of it. The research found that if we expect a positive outcome, and therefore go into the work with increased enthusiasm for that result, we respond accordingly.

This directly applies to YOU and the effect of this Monday Motivation. Sure, I can move you to action with these weekly newsletters (a girl can dream, right?) – but how you stick with it is up to YOU. Have you stayed discipline in your pursuit to make this the most manic and mad March you’ve ever lived? Do you see value in your work and go after your day with enthusiasm? This newsletter may be the start – but the rest is on you to make it happen.

It’s about having enthusiasm and a positive outlook on your “work”.

“I have to go to work”

“I need to work out”

“This is hard word”

Why do our days revolve around “work” that we “need” to do? The negative connotation of the word “work” itself often entails an arduous task – something forced upon us that will be spent in misery.

There exists three simplistic ways to drastically change our perception of “work”:

– Find value

  • Blur the line between work and life…and make your life a piece of work! Create it, be in control of it, and have ownership in the choice that you have to make it your own.

– Establish a routine

  • Establish a routine and this whole “motivation” thing becomes irrelevant.

– No more excuses

  • Lastly, cut the excuses. Just be done with that option.

If you’re taking part in the March Madness Mania (and if not, I’m sure you’ve experienced this on your own) – you are half way through our challenge and by now you’ve found that getting to your workout is second nature. You walk up to COR, check in at the desk, set your keys down in the cubby, start foam rolling…the rest is history. The need for motivation goes away when you make this part of your lifestyle – yet you maintain enthusiasm and drive to continue.

Something can motivate you to action but to sustain that purpose, YOU must find the value behind what you are doing.

What are you doing this week to turn your “need to work out” to “I can’t wait to work out”? What about your work – whether it be your exercise fix, your job, or chore – fuels you?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/3-simple-ways-...

5 Steps to Maintain Daily Energy (without coffee)

5 Steps to Maintain Daily Energy (without coffee)

“We are at our very best, and we are happiest, when we are fully engaged in work we enjoy on the journey toward the goal we’ve established for ourselves. It gives meaning to our time off and comfort to our sleep. It makes everything else in life so wonderful, so worthwhile.” – Earl Nightingale

At the age of 16, if you were told you had 12 months to live – I think you too would be rather motivated to scientifically unwrap how we can derive the most meaningful life. 23 years later, author Tom Rath explored the key elements of energizing our work through deep research, interviews, and stories from leading scientists in his book Fully Charged.

His research conclusion: “The odds of being completely engaged in your job increase by more than 250% if you spend a lot time doing meaningful work throughout the day”

Harvard Business School’s conclusion:  “After 12,000 diary entries, 64,000 workday events and 238 workers across 7 companies” – “of all the events that engage people at work, the single most important – by far- is simply making progress in meaningful work”

Here are the top 5 ways to be Fully Charged according to Rath and health research:

1. “Every day you let something keep you from following a dream, you lose an opportunity to create meaning” – Interests + Strengths = Meaning

A 2013 study of over 12,000 workers around the world found that those who derived meaning from their work were three times more likely to stay. Meaning has the highest single impact of any variable, and the strongest source of motivation is meaningful work…particularly doing things that contribute to a collective good. This can be any involvement – your job, your fitness, your family – any activity you engage in should be more than a note on your ‘to-do list’ but a have purpose.

2.  “If you want to make a difference – not just today, but for many years to come – you need to put your health and energy ahead of all else” – Eat/Move/Sleep

Personal well-being is as important as your work engagement. If you are neglecting to fuel your body with nutritious foods, lacking exercise, and are burning yourself out from work – how do you expect to have a meaningful contribution to the lives of others? Good news is that this doesn’t have to be some grand, difficult plan. Make one step in the right direction toward either your sleep, eating, or exercise and it will lead you to an upward spiral in the other two areas. These small lifestyle choices influence each other every day.

3. “People who have very high energy levels in a given day are more than 3x more likely to be completely engaged in their work that same day” – Work with purpose! 45+15!

“There is a great deal of support for the general notion of workingin intense bursts paid with a period of time to recharge”. The top 10% treat the period of working time like a sprint – a highly focused burst of ∼45 minutes –  making the most of the working time with intense purpose. This if followed by a ∼15 break to rest up, walk around, move, and have the freedom from structured work to renew. This schedule followed in the Finland education system has been found to not only be effective in school but also in business.  Rath suggest adjusting up/down from there to determine what ratio allows you to remain fully charged.

4. “Small wins generate meaningful progress” – Small wins everyday

“Chipping away at a dream in small steps is deeply motivating” and “even in the worst situations, you can find opportunities for growth”. Seek out the small things that engage you to make daily forward progress.

5. “The actions you take throughout every single day accumulate to shape your years, decades and overall life. However, when you think about a typical day, it’s easy to take these moments for granted” – Choose Positivity 

Rath’s research found that people who reported having great interactions through the day were nearly FOUR times as likely to have a very high well-being. No doubt, life throws curve balls which we can’t control…but we can always control our next interaction and choose to put a positive spin to that conversation.

What are your strongest internal motivators? What are those reminders that give meaning to why you do what you do?

Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/five-steps-to-...

Sweat, Sun and Fun Pt. 1

Sweat, Sun and Fun Pt. 1

Myth: Unfit people sweat more

Many assume that sweating is a sign of exertion, failure to respond to exercise, or lack of fitness. In fact, it’s the exact opposite – what’s concerning is NOT sweating.

Sweating is our response to any physical demand – it says “Hey, this is hard, but it’s all good because I know how to deal with it!”

At rest, your metabolic rate (how fast your body uses energy, which produces heat) is low. You aren’t doing much and your body can easily get rid of heat. However, start movin’ and groovin’ and your metabolic rate spikes. You’re burnin’ more energy! …and it’s going to take more than radiation to get all this heat out of your body. You need to cool down fast!

While you can handle the heat, your body isn’t having it. You are forced to switch gears and rely on cooling down (thermoregulation) a bit differently than before – evaporation (1).

In other words, sweating.

Now, each individual responds differently. Training adaptations and fitness are both factors in the sufficiency of sweating mechanisms, and subsequent need for fluid replacement. However, one thing’s for sure – with some training, an athlete achieves a better maintenance of body temperature (2).

This is at the expense of an increased sweat rate.

Remember: More sweat, more evaporative heat loss (this is the way we get rid of heat when exercising or else we would burn up). Our first adaptation to exercise is to sweat sooner (3). We are forced to become more efficient, and as a result improve thermoregulation.

Faster sweat →  more sweat →  more sweat on your skin that can’t evaporate → and more sweat that drips wastefully from the skin…as you notice when exercising (4).

While this isn’t pretty, it’s a more efficient adaptation. We are always looking for ways to do everything better and faster. If sweating and burning energy is what it takes for me to work out stronger and not feel sick, I’ll take it!

What this really means is that fit people are just more efficient sweaters (5). In most cases, our body’s first physiological response to being more efficient is to sweat more. As always, this varies person to person – some will respond in other ways.

In some cases, you will have people who sweat a ton but are extremely inefficient. Regardless, if you are sweating you are doing something right. So next time you leave the gym looking like you just hopped out of the pool, give yourself a pat on the back and rock it!

Look out for Part 2 of this series next week to see what happens when we start to heat things up!


  1. Thermoregulation during exercise in the heat: strategies for maintaining health and performance. Daniël Wendt, Luc J. C. van Loon, Wouter D. van Marken Lichtenbelt.Sports Med. 2007; 37(8): 669–682.
  2. Long Distance Runners Present Upregulated Sweating Responses than Sedentary CounterpartsLee, J.-B., Kim, T.-W., Min, Y.-K., & Yang, H.-M. (2014). PLoS ONE9(4), e93976. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0093976
  3. Sex differences in the effects of physical training on sweat gland responses during a graded exercise.Ichinose-Kuwahara T1, Inoue Y, Iseki Y, Hara S, Ogura Y, Kondo N. Exp Physiol. 2010 Oct;95(10):1026-32. doi: 10.1113/expphysiol.2010.053710. Epub 2010 Aug 9.
  4. American College of Sports Medicine (1996). Position Stand on Exercise and Fluid Replacement. Med. Sci. Sports Exerc28(1): i–vii.
    Control of skin circulation during exercise and heat stress. M. F. Roberts, C. B. Wenger. Med Sci Sports. 1979 Spring; 11(1): 36–41.
Source: https://www.trainingcor.com/sweat-sun-and-...